Many Hands Required & Needed
Sale Setup & Breakdown
Don't have time to Volunteer on a regular basis, but have time occasionally to help load up a truck, pack & move some boxes or pack up the remainders after a sale? WE NEED YOU.
Sorting Parties
We often receive large Donations of Weeded Materials from the Library and entire Estates from the Public. These large Donations cannot be processed safely within our Bookrooms so they are taken to Storage. When Donations accumulate, we hold "Sorting Parties" to determine what to do with these books - do they go to a Bookroom for shelving, back into Storage for a Overstock Sale, or should we redonate them to a local school or another Non-Profit? If you can help for a couple of hours, with just a few days notice, WE NEED YOU.
Box Movers
Do you have a little muscle and some spare time? Can you be available on short notice to jump in and assist in picking up donations? A van or SUV would be nice, but not required. A little practice with a two-wheel hand truck and you're in business. You are a critical component of our Overstock Sales - getting the boxes out of storage, loading them into a rented truck and unloading them into the sale venue. You could also help move boxes around during a Sorting Party. Or transport of excess Bookroom donations to Storage. If you're willing to join a team of 4 to 6 Box Movers that we can call or email when needed, WE NEED YOU.