Welcome to the Friends:
The Friends of The Villages Library, Inc. (FOVL) is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) & Florida NOT-FOR-PROFIT Corporation. The FOVL is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization with nearly 170 Volunteers at the Belvedere & Pinellas Branches of The Villages Public Library. The Sumter County Library donates slow moving media to the FOVL. Volunteers sort new donations from the Library, as well as the Public, and display the Books, CDs, DVDs, etc. in our Bookrooms for sale to the Public. Overstock Sales are held to liquidate older Fiction and Nonfiction. Unsold donations are often re-donated to local schools and other nonprofit organizations. Damaged media is destroyed, according to Sumter County Library policy.
Since 2003, the FOVL has returned over $750,000 to the Community:
The Villages Public Library Programs, Media & Technology
Literacy Projects at Local Elementary, Middle & High Schools
College & Vo/Tech Grants to Graduating Seniors
and much, much, more. . . .
How can you help?
Donate BOOKs, CDs & DVDs
Become an FOVL Member
Purchase from a Bookroom
Volunteer with the FOVL
Our Goals

Promoting the Library & Literacy within
Sumter County Florida. Recycling your
well loved BOOKS, CDs & DVDs
and funding Literacy from the proceeds.
We find new homes for your old friends.
Our History

The FOVL began nearly two decades ago when a Saddlebrook Recreation Center club decided to start a lending library. Then they lobbied the Developer and Sumter County to build the Belvedere Branch of The Villages Public Library in 2005 and the Pinellas Plaza Branch in 2011. Both Branches continue to grow their Collections and Patronage.